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Barbara Minardi

Barbara Minardi Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Black Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Skinny Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , US


The bodacious Barbara Minardi is an actress best known for her work in Manchurian Avenger (1985) and Flight to Danger (1995). Barbara gives us a flash of her terrific ta-tas in Flight to Danger, a film that belongs to that curious early-to-mid 90s obsession with female martial arts stars. Gina Jourard and Sara Matthews wrote, directed, and star as female martial artists who are mixed up in some dangerous business with the mob. Now they've got to kick a little ass and show these men who really run things. Barbara lets us ogle one of her beautiful boobs while changing shirts. We’re dangerously in love with Barbara’s bare breast!