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Black Serenade

Black Serenade (2001)

Great Nudity!

Top Scene


Tuno Negro (2001) translates as Black Minstrel, which is what the Spanish call their fraternities. But this is no Animal House (1978). It seems there was once a Spanish tradition where students would act as street minstrels to pay for their educations and the good students would kill the bad students. Didn’t they have student loans? When this ancient habit comes back in style, Silke Hornillos Klein decides to track down the killer. She’s not only a good student but a slut, which gives viewers some long and lingering looks at her little lungs. Carla Hidalgo opens the flick with her tits, and thanks to Silke’s smoothly exposed body, it only goes up (in audiences' pants) from there. Tuno Negro is music for your eyes.