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Christine Cybelle

Christine Cybelle Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, White, Blonde Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , US


Christine Cybelle was a blonde haired, all American actress known for her roles in some of the finer and more obscure sexploitation features throughout the late 60s. Her time on the screen may have only lasted for roughly three years, but in that time she was able to include herself in about eight features. Some of her most titillating work comes from her second movie, Cool It, Baby (1967) which has a kinky scene involving Christine getting chained up. She gets her hands chained above her by a guy and girl while she’s still in bra and panties, and throughout the sequence she gets her bra removed, while the panties stay on. There are both up close shots of her jugs, but most of it is a full body set up. Christine also went on to act in other sleazy flicks like Come Play With Me (1968), Fly Now, Pay Later (1969), and Torture Me, Kiss Me (1970).