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Erin Ramirez

Erin Ramirez Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, Hispanic, Brunette Hair, Large Breasts, Fake Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , US

AKA: Charlie Garcia


Of all the fake-tittied, bleached blonde, wannabe actresses on this site, we sure would like to see Erin make it to the big time. Sadly, she has only appeared in one film so far in her illustrious career, 1998’s ~Art House~, and like the title suggests, it is a low-budget indie flick about trying to make a low-budget indie flick. (Write about what you know, right?) In it, she has only an abbreviated part, but makes great use of her time on screen by appearing topless the entire time she is in the movie. It isn’t a real good indicator of her “acting abilities,” but then again, Pamela Anderson is a big star, and this girl puts her to shame in the Looks Department, so we’re rooting for her. It just may be a lost cause…