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Joann Ayers

Joann Ayers Nude

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Top Joann Ayers Scenes

Time Barbarians (1990) Nude, breasts 00:26:00 The bad news: She's chained up, beaten, and her throat is slit. The good news? Boobies galore!!! Whoo-hoo! (2 mins 15 secs)
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Joann Ayers is a busty blonde, just the type of actress that Hollywood loves to serve up hot and naked. That’s why we love Tinsel Town! She’s only been in a few movies, sadly, starting with the adventure Treasure of the Moon Goddess (1987), a sort of cheap-o Indiana Jones-esque homage. In Time Barbarians (1990), she plays two roles in two different time periods and is scalding hot in both. In the past she’s topless and bound to a stake, in the modern days she only slightly more modest in a black bra.