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No Nudity


Frankly, we don’t know a damn thing about this 1989 Swedish sketch comedy--except that it was probably only funny if you spoke Swedish. It was apparently funny enough to merit the ’94 spin-off Yrrol (that’s “Lorry” backwards--get it?). Oh, we also know that two of the lady co-stars of Lorry got naked in other things, and isn’t that what you’re really reading this for? Lena Endre, who’s been in a slew of English and Swedish productions, gave us some post-coital full frontal in Faithless. Her body isn’t the most perfectly-chiseled monument to the feminine form we’ve ever seen, but hey, who are we to turn down a naked chick? Her Lorry co-star Gunilla Roor, however, gave us a peek at her delicious curves and dangling participles in the Swedish flick Sommarmord.