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RoboCop 2

RoboCop 2 (1990)

No Nudity

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Dystopia's a-popping when the robots get to copping in Robocop 2 (1990), the continuation of the robofranchise that follows Detroit police officer Alex J. Murphy (Peter Weller) as he adjusts to robolife as a crime-fighting cyborg. This time Robocop is beset by various androidinal woes--not only is a crazed drug lord ruling the streets, but even more cyberwarriors are in the offing. Though no robotops are doffed, there's bounteous bionic beauty in this skin-tillating sequel, including Angie Bolling in her roboskivvies, Belinda Bauer showing leg in a short robe, and fabbo Fabiana Udenio in green body paint and a bikini.