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Staci Gordon

Staci Gordon Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, White, Brunette Hair, Large Breasts, Fake Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , US


Who wouldn’t want Staci Gordon as their girlfriend? The busty blonde is built to please and we’re built to be pleased. Well, until we hook up, we’ll have to please ourselves. Staci makes that easy by appearing topless in a movie. God, she’s such a good girlfriend! That movie, her only appearance on film, as Mark’s Girlfriend, was in the horror classic The Nail Gun Massacre (1985). Now, this nail gun isn’t a technically advanced manicure device, but a brutal way to die. It’s even more brutal than the strangling of our penis, killing millions of sperms, that occurs when we see Staci’s stacked sacks.