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Tanja Boskovic

Tanja Boskovic Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: Belgrade, YU

Date of Birth: 06/27/53


Tanja Boskovic is a Serbian actress, who has appeared in over 40 films since breaking into the business we call show back in 1974. She continues to work today in movies that have titles with so many consonants that we’re completely unable to enunciate even one, let alone write one without a multitude of typos. Thankfully we found one in English A Night of Love (1988), which ironically features Tanja in the day time. Don’t worry, there’s love under the sun same as the moon, and Tanja facilitates the action by opening up her dress and letting her boobs hang out in a pubic park. No better way to spend a lazy afternoon.