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Wendy Martel

Wendy Martel Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Blonde Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: Pasadena, California, US

Top Wendy Martel Scenes

Sorority House Massacre (1986) Nude (Wendy Martel, Pamela Ross) , sexy, underwear, breasts 00:20:48 Wendy, Pamela, and Nicole try on different outfits, with both Wendy and Pamela revealing their breasts! (37 secs)
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Wendy Martel is a little hot lady from Pasadena. She’s been acting on stage since a wee child. She married, moved to Washington State and settled in Vancouver. But she made some bonds during her time in Hollywood. Her costars from Sorority House Massacre (1986), attended her wedding. That was her first screen credit, and one in which she made her skin debut, too. The story about a little boy who kills his family and then ends up in college may sound far fetched, but Wendy brings it down to earth, or at least your pants, when she lets her tits out to pledge our lust.